Do I miss you
No. I just miss the way you made me laugh
Not enough to fall back in
Most would say I’m better off, that I win
We spent years playing
It was when we reached the summit when I knew
we would never make it
that’s why I was so emotional that day
Then Chimborazo came
I had to call it
I’ve never seen you so exhausted, shit
an avalanche could have hit
You pushed my limits
also taught me things to inhibit
You’re kind, but you’re selfish
quite reckless
who am I to judge
I’m not perfect, but you never gave me much
~Laughs ~dives ~ a good time
Did you ever really stimulate my mind?
I guess you saved my life
that day, on your birthday
reckless with narcosis
Who am I
reckless in college
we once were
I was so broken when you left for Africa
but when I look back
I needed you far, not near
Led me to fall in love with the canyon
Because it reminds me of the love I have
it exists within
All that work to win me over yet again
yogi, vegan, when?
A façade. Another version of your twin
We’ve been to some depths
It was our lifestyle that I loved
Your family too
The world we created
when it was just me and you
you always said it wasn’t reality
it was
just for a bit
until all the bullshit hit
It was a long run
but after all the distance
You’re too in love with yourself
It stopped being fun
we were not meant to last
But I somehow can’t leave you in the past
Ah at last I’m here & I’m present
happy, healing and forever abundant
surrounded by love
I can feel it with my eyes closed
all the love
thought I wanted it from you
Turns out I just needed this heartbreak instead
~a reality check
Thank you for drinking the rosé
on my birthday
you’ve shown me true colors
I wish you’d respect your damn mother
Be humble, I’m trying
A true Lion with Gemini eyes
I will respect you but fuck, stop lying
let yourself feel
let yourself heal
please dude, just be real
Like the day you shared with me the indie philosophy
Be as humble as the ocean
The rivers all lead to her
To fill her up
I see why you like him,
He’s humble you say
some truth there
you ~ no longer the way
We had our moments
Some lovely
Some lavish
One day you’ll get it
I hope that day comes soon
Not for me
but for you
This made me tear up. Thank you for sharing your words